It's been quite a "Journey" getting the JTW Project together! It has been fun, exciting, hard, trying, challenging, stressful, but most of all rewarding, just knowing that there is something special brewing. Along side the Silverback Grizzly; super producer and photographer, we were able to knock out some pretty cool pictures and promotional footage! I wasn't sure of the location at first, but then a certain energy, started to take over. A certain understanding if you will.
I loved the contrast of the hard background. The chipped concrete, the worn down remnants of rich history, the stillness in the air. The acknowledgement of the fight for freedom. I loved the notion of these ruins "Still Standing" after surviving World War 1, World War 2 and other American conflicts.

We "shot" at Battery Church, which was built between 1897 and 1900. It was part of the coastal artillery batteries put in place to protect the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay on historic Fort Monroe. Guns once, locked and loaded.
I too bear the scars from my own battles and wars. Having gone through so many trials and tribulations, life has thrown my way. I too, remained "Locked and Loaded" armed with ever lasting faith, an open mind, and a very strong heart. I AM a tough cookie. Taught to be that way. My father used to tell me, "Tough times, don't last, tough people do!" I too am "Still Standing!"
This was the perfect place for the last piece of my production puzzle. I related to my surroundings, and I left the shoot feeling grateful, humbled with a sense of strength and a new found respect for life and those that have come before us. Bearing the notion of moving upward and forward at all times! Never giving up and always "Standing Strong!"
Soon I will share my project with the world, and I cannot wait! The "Journey to Wonderland" show is a celebration of life to include, history, traveling, cuisines, lifestyles, and all the things that make this journey exciting! I hope you join me as we explore, the beautiful things in life!